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Testing Emergency Power In Health Care Facilities

The alternate power source for the essential electrical system (EES) in a healthcare facility is often referred to as the emergency power supply, or EPS. The EPS consists of one or more alternate power sources which can supply the healthcare facility with power during an interruption of the main utility-supplied power. Typically, alternate power sources are made up of one or more engine driven generators, sized to carry, at a minimum, the essential electrical system loads. It is essential that these systems are tested periodically to ensure their reliability in the event that the main supply of power is interrupted. This course discusses the importance of testing these systems and explains the various codes and standards that must be adhered to in the world of healthcare.
Recognize the importance of testing the emergency power supply systems – especially the generators – in a healthcare facility Identify the codes and standards associated with the testing of the emergency power supply systems in a healthcare facility Describe the advantages of both automated and manual testing
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Topic : Healthcare

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      • Course Transcript